Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Promoting blogging and Bloggers in Pakistan

We are witnessing a dashing room for blogging technology all over the world therefore. Pakistan has lots of talented bloggers while female bloggers are also rocking the blogging scenario in Pakistan that is a positive significance.

We at Brand Pakistan Blogging (BPB) are introducing blogging for branding through lobbying, image building and B2B networking for corporate/trade sector of Pakistan.

Our aim is to promote and encourage bloggers of Pakistan to promote their country and its brands at international level taking the corporate sector on board.

BPB is willing to network all talented bloggers from all over the country so our bloggers should be given a significant role by government and private sector and to avail their skills for promoting pro-Pakistan brands.

If you are a blogger then we would appreciate your participation in this regard to revitalize the ailing economy and to launch a positive global campaign for Pakistani image building.

Let our blogs and tweets should grip only PAKISTAN and its positive image through vocalizing for Pakistani brands.

1 comment:

  1. It is very good to know that our country Pakistan is also entering into the Internet Marketing and Blogging era.
    I would like to know and meet relevant people as I am an Internet Marketer to better our Blogging and improve in our Online Internet Network Business.
    Zulfiqar Ali.
    Skype ID: alizulfiqar52
